OSDForum 2020 co-hosted by
OSDForum 2020 sponsored by
About OSDForum
The Open Source Developer Forum is a workshop that brings open source SW and HW (chips, boards and systems) developers together to collaborate and learn. The OSDForum includes talks from leading industry and academic experts focused on IoT, Edge and Machine Learning development leveraging open source SW and HW building blocks. The agenda also includes a hands-on session using a CORE-V MCU open-source RISC-V core FPGA development board. Made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, the OSDForum is a non-profit event with the low fee of $25 USD for industry and academic attendees. If you do not have a CORE-V MCU open-source RISC-V core FPGA development board, you can purchase a board and cable package at a discounted price of $150 USD plus shipping. Please indicate your interest in ordering a board during the registration checkout process.
The OSDForum is co-hosted by CMC Microsystems, the Eclipse Foundation and the OpenHW Group.